events 2005
Disability Mentoring Day - DMD
Wednesday 19. October 2005
DMD in Kosova is part of international campaign for improving the position of people with disability in the world.
Our Program DMD has been compiled to provide an "umbrella" concept to Voluntary Program of Disability Mentoring Day -DMD that will contribute to the improvement of the current position of disabled people in Kosovo in the areas of humans rights, education, health care, against discrimination and employment possibilities, increase the integration into Kosovo society of people with disabilities and reduce their poverty levels.
Our activities and Program of DMD Increase awareness and improve Government's, the public's and other Kosovo companies opinions relating to people with disability so as to progress their opportunities for education, employment, harvesting the talent of young people with disability, overcome barriers in the minds of people without disability and reduce environmental / infrastructure barriers for the Kosovo community of people with disabilities.
Disability Mentoring Day - DMD was born in USA during 1999 and today many countries follow this event, while the central ceremony of DMD is held at the same time in all over the world every third Wednesday of October.
In Kosovo DMD started to organize in 2002 and now is traditional.
The billboards of DMD were attached in 21 different municipalities Kosova wide during the campaign in 2005.
We printed brochures on three languages ( Albanian, Serbian and English languages) regarding DMD development in Kosovo in past three years.
USA Office Prishtine and Norwegian Embassy donated the DMD Campaign in 2005.
Office of the Prime Minister and Ministry of Health supported the DMD in kind contribution.
Participation in volunteering campaign "Disability Mentoring Day" - DMD
UNMIK Customs Service organized Customs Day for DMD and singled out a working day for training of people with disability within the framework of DMD Volunteering Campaign and paid a day wage in amount of 10 €, traveling expenses to working places and back home and lunch.
They offered a wonderful chance to get together with kind staff of Customs Service in stations all round Kosovo.
For a day was employed 68 persons with disability and a number of customs officers were engaged in instruction of customs operations, total number of active participants in relation mentor ? metees in work was 148 persons.
We wish also other institutions, private sector and public services take into consideration that and follow this good practice of Customs Day for DMD.
DMD brings
- Fight against poverty
- Fight against discrimination.
- Reduction of unemployment
- Initiation of law regulations for people with disability
- Overcome of the barriers and making the opportunities
- Protection human rights
Kosovo Disabled Associations involved in Voluntary Program of Disability Mentoring Day - DMD in 2005 year.
1. "Little People of Kosova":
2. Handifer: Ferazaj
3. Klubi Deshira; a Prishtina day care centre for mentally Handicapped people. Affiliated to International Centre for Clubhouse Development.
4. Blind Association of Kosovo
5. HandiKos
6. School of Deaf: Prizren
7. School of Blind: Peja
8. Blind, Deaf and Victims of War Association: Gjakova
9. Deaf Association of Kosovo
10. School for Mentally Disabled: Prizren
11. Blind Association - Mitrovice
12. Association of Multiplex sclerosis - Mitrovice
13. Women with Disability Association - Leposavic
14. Association of Deaf - Mitrovice
15. Saint Angels - Mitrovice
16. School for Mental Disability - Mitrovice
Voluntary Program of Disability Mentoring Day opens partnership to all Disabled Associations in 2006.
19 – 30 September 2005, Warsaw , Poland
Representative of NGO Little People of Kosova Ms. Hiljmnijeta Apuk attended to Human Dimensions Implementation Meeting in Warsaw. She made two Statements regarding human rights of persons with disabilities by point to multiethnic Voluntary Promotional Program of DMD as best practices of implementation up coming UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
Promotional Voluntary Packet Program
of Disability Mentoring Day - DMD
New free initiative of Kosova
Rambouillet, France
01 - 07 July, 2005
IV World Sports Games of little people
Promotional Voluntary Packet Program
of Disability Mentoring Day - DMD
New free initiative of Kosova
Pristina, Kosova
1st of June, 2005
International Children Day
Campaign into focus towards children with disability
Report about this Campaign link>>>
May 26 - 29, 2005.
XVI Conference Little People of Germany - LPG
On invitation of Little People of Germany, the President of Little People of Kosova Miss. Hiljmnijeta Apuk visited and actively participated in work of XVI Conference-LPG.
The Conference was organized with very rich social and entertainment program for children. Children's happiness was enriched by picnic and bonfire, where famous children writer was reading stories and poems for children. Children with restricted growth were acting in show that they prepared by self.
In same time the book "Little People Through History" with interesting data was presented.
Thanks to donors FES -Pristina and organizers of Little People of Germany Conference.
March 14-18, 2005
Conference - Women as Global Leaders:
Education the Next Generation,
Mss. Hiljmnijeta Apuk , President Little People of Kosova has been presenter with theme - Leadership of Women with Disability. By presentation message has sent
A Step Together towards 21st Century”.
She has prepared brochure through theme - Male role in achievement of the gender equality, focused into woman and girls with disability.
University of Prishtina - Kosova has received flag of Conference between 40 Universities worldwide.
The objectives of the conference were empowerment of women in the global context, leadership education, injecting new ideas into the concept of women leadership, cross cultural perspectives to do with concrete leadership skills and a greater comprehension of the leader-follower relationship. The forum also addressed different types of leadership roles women have and will play, the specific challenges, benefits and needs of different local and global communities to do with the creation of more potent women leaders.
The 500 plus delegates from 40 countries make this a truly international conference.
Stating that women in many parts of the world have too few educational opportunities, too little legal protection and far too little chance to participate in the affairs of their community or their country, this high profile conference was organized to address most of these issues and redress these grievances through collective effort.
Thanks to donors UNMIK and organizer of Conference - Women as Global Leadership
Promotional Voluntary Packet Program
of Disability Mentoring Day - DMD
New free initiative of Kosova
Pristina, Kosova
March 8th, 2005
International Women Day
Campaign into focus toward women and girls with disability
Promotional Voluntary Packet Program
of Disability Mentoring Day - DMD
New free initiative of Kosova
Prishtine, Kosova
14th of February 2005.
Voluntary Campaign
Valentine's Day
with propose dignity of persons with disabilities.
About 2.000.000 Kosovars have met our poster and message several times by TV and daily newspaper.
Organized by Little People of Kosova in kind contribution supported USA office Prishtine. Poster was advertised gratis from media covered by TV stations: RTK, Channel 21 and Channel KTV and daily newspaper Koha Ditore and Bota Sot.
Organized by Little People of Kosova and in kind contribution supported by USA Office - Pristina