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26 April 2012

NGO Little People of Kosova has been accredited to participate in the work of the Ad Hoc Committee

of the UN's General Assembly on a drafting the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.


International Day of Persons with Disabilities

03 December 2015

Documentary film

International Day of Persons with Disabilities

03 December 2014

Advisory Committee of Persons with Disabilities of Municipality of Mitrovice and NGO Little People of Kosovo organized round table on the occasion of marking the 3rd December, International Day of Persons with Disabilities.

The aim of this round table was to promote the work of Municipality Mitrovice in the area of disability, understanding disability aspects, and commitment to build support for dignity and the rights of persons with disabilities.

During the conference spoke: Mr. Agim Bahtiri Mayor of Mitrovica, Mr. Qazim Ferizi Director of Department of Health and Social Welfare of Municipality Mitrovice, Mr. Fitim Rama, coordinator of Human Rights Unit, Mrs. Albina Gubetini President of Advisory Committee of PWD, Mrs. Ivana Drlja, representative of OSCE Mission in Kosovo, Mrs. Hiljmnijeta Apuk , laureate of prestigious UN Prize in the Field of Human Rights.

The annual observance of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities on 3 December, aims to promote an understanding of disability issues, the rights of persons with disabilities and gains to be derived from the integration of persons with disabilities in every aspect of the political, social, economic and cultural life of their communities. The Day provides an opportunity to mobilize action to achieve the goal of full and equal enjoyment of human rights and participation in society by persons with disabilities.

The media have especially important contributions to make in support of the observance of the Day and to promote public awareness of the contributions by persons with disabilities to the development of their communities.

RTK and RTK2 transmitted video clip in Albanian and Serbian languages.

Albanian language Serbian language

donated by;

Municipality Mitrovice

University of Mitrovica " Isa Boletini" (UMIB), will create equality of opportunity

and accessibility for students with disabilities.

June 2014

Rector Mr.Alush Musaj has met Ms. Hiljmnijeta Apuk, founder of NGO Little People of Kosova and Laureate of the prestigious UN Prize in the Field of Human Rights for 2013.

Rector Musaj congratulated the prize of UN to Ms. Apuk "We are honored that a fellow ours has achieved such a success," he said. On the other hand, Mrs.. Apuk expressed satisfaction for the University of Mitrovice that will create equality of opportunity and accessibility for students with disabilities and it is very important step for countries of Balkan Region.

Rector Musaj assured Ms. Apuk that is possible in the new facility which is building "We are determined to make our University as a model for the provision of conditions regarding persons with disabilities," he said.

Also, Rector Musaj gave support to another project of Ms. Apuk for the opening an exhibition in the premises of University of Mitrovica on the field of human rights.

President Jahjaga congratulated to Hiljmnijeta Apuk

the prestigious UN Prize in the Field of Human Rights

December 2013

President of the Republic of Kosovo, Mrs. Atifete Jahjaga has met Ms. Hiljmnijeta Apuk, laureate of the prestigious UN Prize in the Field of Human Rights for 2013.

Appreciation for achievements on the field of human rights

December 2013

Women Caucus Group of Deputies in Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo has awarded Appreciation to Hiljmnijeta Apuk for her achievements on the field of human rights globally and she is one of six winners of UN Prize on the Field of Human Rights for 2013.

Photos of the ceremony in Assembly

Hiljmnijeta Apuk is laureate of the prestigious

UN Prize in the Field of Human Rights for 2013.

This Prize of UN for Hiljmnijeta Apuk is first prize which came to countries of East Block.

Hiljmnijeta Apuk has been an activist for the rights of the persons with disabilities for over 30 years, both domestically as well as internationally. She is the founding director of the Little People of Kosovo organization and acts as national coordinator of an awareness campaign for employment possibilities of persons with disabilities. Ms. Apuk is also an artist, working to promote authentic culture of persons with disabilities through her artwork. Ms. Apuk was a member of the Ad Hoc Committee of the UN General Assembly on drafting of the Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

The United Nations Prize in the Field of Human Rights is an honorary award given to individuals and organizations in recognition of outstanding achievement in human rights. The Prize was established by the General Assembly in 1966 and awarded for the first time on 10 December 1968, the twentieth anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, on what became widely known as International xHuman Rights Dayx.

The Prize has been awarded every five years since 1968 (in 1973, 1978, 1988, 1993, 1998, 2003, 2008 and 2013). Previous laureates have included Amnesty International, Jimmy Carter, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela and Eleanor Roosevelt. The Prize is an opportunity not only to give public recognition to the achievements of the recipients themselves, but also to send a clear message to human rights defenders the world over that the international community is grateful for, and supports, their tireless efforts to promote all human rights for all.

Hiljmnijeta Apuk at the ceremony in United Nations - New York, 10th December 2013

Winners of the United Nations Human Rights Prize for 2013 announced

NEW YORK / GENEVA (6 December 2013) – The winners of the prestigious United Nations Prize in the Field of Human Rights for 2013 have been announced by the Selection Committee.

They are: Mr. Biram Dah Abeid, Ms. Hiljmnijeta Apuk, Ms. Liisa Kauppinen, Ms. Khadija Ryadi, the Supreme Court of Justice of Mexico and Ms. Malala Yousafzai.

NGO Little People of Kosova participated at

Fifth session of the Conference of States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities,

12-14 September 2012

Conference Room 4, United Nations Headquarters, New York

The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities was adopted by the General Assembly by its resolution 61/106 of 13 December 2006. It came into force on 3 May 2008 upon the 20th ratification. Article 40 of the Convention stipulates that “The States Parties shall meet regularly in a Conference of States Parties in order to consider any matter with regard to the implementation of the present Convention.” Since 2008, four sessions of the Conference of States Parties have been held at United Nations Headquarters, New York.

The theme of the fifth session is “Making the CRPD count for Women and Children”. The following are the sub-themes of the Conference: “Technology and Accessibility”, “Children with Disabilities” and “Women with Disabilities”.

Press Photo Gallery >>>


14 September 2012

Time: 11.45 a.m. – 1.00 p.m.

Venue: Conference Room E

United Nations Headquarters, New York

Title: Empowering students with disabilities (Article 24) and exhibition of authentic culture of persons with disabilities as tool of promotion CRPD (Article 8)

Organizer: Little People of Kosova

Side - event contained two parts series:

Part One: Presentation of good practices on accessibility to students with disabilities. Prof. Ass. Dr. Alush Musaj at Faculty of Geosciences and Technology, University of Prishtina presented the good practices of collaboration between civil society and University of Pristina to improve access to students with disabilities. He presented story about accessibility to Faculty in Mitrovice of University Prishtina and persons with disabilities from civil society as a new initiative pointed to provide suggestions and ideas how to include students with disabilities to University that we always need to be working to make a accessibility to all students. Also, he presented efforts to make reality idea “From study to work” to students with disabilities in Mitrovica.

A Two-Part Series: Part Two: Exhibition of artworks of authentic culture of persons with disabilities as tool of promotion CRPD, positive perceptions and greater social awareness towards persons with disabilities. Ms. Hiljmnijeta Apuk opened the exhibition and discussion regarding authentic culture of persons with disabilities and Paralympics Games as kind of authentic culture of PWD by which persons with disabilities promote recognition of their skills and abilities on the field of sports.


Press Photo Gallery >>>

Press Conferences of

World Disability Union (WDU) - Turkey and Little People of Kosova


Fifth session of the Conference of States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities,

13 September 2012

Press Photo Gallery >>>

Video1 Video 2

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This project is funded by European Union

Eco Social Economy Network of South and East Europe

In Search of Essence of Human Economy

Jointly vision to eco social development

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Last event

PRISNET meeting in Ankara

February 27th , 28th, 29th - 2012.

International Management Group Meeting

World Disability Union

We Know No Barriers Concert 10th May 2012

Istanbul Turkey

On occasion of Turkey's Disability Awareness Week during May 10-16, 2012, it is an honor to announce that the President of the World Disability Foundation and the World Disability Union, Mr Metin Senturk will be the first visually impaired musician in the world to conduct a symphony orchestra. The Cinema Symphony Orchestra, composed of 60 musicians, will play music while he conducts and sings all-time favorites in Turkish, English, Italian and Albanian. The international sign language interpretation at the event will be by Ms. Laura Santarelli.

The aim of this event, along with creating awareness for disabilities, is to highlight the World Disability Union and its universal messages. The attendance of Republic of Turkey President Abdullah Gul and Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan is expected.

The World Disability Union

6 CONTINENTS 65 COUNTRIES - we know no barriers


The World Disability Union (WDU) is a global organization established with the aim of representing and empowering all persons with disabilities.

The basis of all legislation and policies concerning persons with disabilities is the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, as approved on December 13, 2006.

World Disability Union is expected to become the single largest organization for the collaboration of local NGOs, Organizations, Institutions, Legal persons of persons with disabilities and individuals with disabilities, and bridging the gap between different challenges and expectations in different countries.

NGOs from developed countries are postulated to benefit from large scale collaboration due to the opportunities for systematic information exchange, technology trade, demand for new markets for medical and technical products, promotion, qualified and inexpensive services, health and disability tourism, new investment fields, common challenges and social responsibility.

NGOs from developing countries are expected to benefit from a world union due to the opportunity for achieving the ability to better connect their home states with the persons with disabilities, work towards the implementation of disability rights and projects to integrate with the world


1. Mr. Mustafa xlbak DEV / TURKEY
2. Mr. Othniel Etienne JAxIMES / HAITI
3. Mr. Jemal Abdeljelil Babe AFPWD / MAURITANIA
4. Mr. Diop Alpha Boubacar GNDPO / GUINEA
5. Mr. Dmitriy Yefremov KSB / KAZAKHSTAN
6.. Mrs. Hiljmnijeta Apuk LPK / KOSOVO
7. Mr. Siachos Kostas H H / GREECE
8. Mr. Gufroni Sakaril PPCI / INDONESIA

Respect to inherent dignity of persons with disabilities


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